My name is Jasper Levin, and I'm a Game Developer!
I have only been developing games for a little over a year, but I've been programming and creating for years!
You can find a small portfolio of my work below :)
University Assignment - Solo
Created in uni for an API Module, in which we were tasked with choosing an API to great a fairly-complex project with and show off our programming ability. I chose to use the Unreal API to make a simple space exploration.
For this I needed to create many custom systems within Unreal, such as planetary player movement and gravity, hover and boost mechanics, a solar system with orbiting planets and more!
Game Jam + Continued - Group
From January 22-26 I grouped up with 6 strangers from my University to participate in the Global Game Jam 2024, with the theme of 'Make Me Laugh'. We decided to make an arcade beat-em-up where you play as an angry penguin getting revenge on humanity.
I was responsible for 90% the games code, while other members handled models, animation, design and production.
We managed to create a polished product for the jam, and it was a huge hit with players at the University showcase event . Working as a team was so enjoyable that we continued working on the project, polishing and expanding the mechanics, eventually releasing for free on Itch.
We were also able to showcase our game at the Barclays Game Frenzy 2024, which was an incredible opportunity that allowed us to help spread the game and gather valuable feedback.
University Assignment / Personal Project - Solo
Originally created for an assignment in which I had to create a simple "adventure" game with a primary and secondary mechanic, however it quickly expanded into a fully-fleshed idle game far past the complexity required for the assignment.
Features a basic game loop with items, an inventory, an upgrade system, offline idle generation and more. I hope to expand with even more complexity in the future.
Personal Project - Solo
The early makings of a simple 2D resource-collection survival-game, developed to help teach myself the basics of core Unity game systems.
The game currently features an inventory, upgrades, a destructible block/tile system, file saving and more.
Personal Project - Solo
A satire quiz/puzzle game, heavily inspired by The Impossible Quiz and Blackbox.
Another game I began working on in my own time to learn Unity, however I quickly became extremely passionate about the concept and have brainstormed over 50 questions and implemented around 30.
This is the project I am most passionate about as I find it to be the most unique and creative idea I have had.
University Assignment / Game Jam - Group
Created with a team of 6 other students for a Year 1 assignment, where I ended up scoring a 97% grade. The game features a highly detailed level with fluid mechanics and a global speed running leaderboard built-in.
I was responsible for the movement system, which was a vital part in making the game fun to play. I also created the cutscene system.
Throughout the project I also maintained a Dev Diary outlining my experience developing the game and working with a team.
Connect Four
University Assignment / Game Jam - Solo
During my first year, I was tasked with creating a simple playable game in Unreal using blueprints. I decided to go above the expectation and use C++ to make a 2 player connect four game, and ended up getting a 78% on the assignment.
Below is the video submitted for the assignment, reflecting upon my code.

College Assignment - Solo
For my second year of Computer Science at College, I had to complete an NEA using Python and Tkinter worth 20% of my final grade. I ended up receiving an A* in both the NEA and overall course.
This also included creating incredibly thorough documentation, including research (interviews, requirements), formal analysis (flowcharts, IPSO diagrams, data flow diagrams), design (pseudocode, UI design, class diagrams navigation diagrams) and a testing strategy.
I chose to create the pen and paper game Obstruction, featuring Minimax AI, text file stats, and a match replay system.
University Assignment / Game Jam - Group
A fighting game created during my first year with 4 other students.
Due to my lack of experience with creating games at the time, I was only responsible for implementing the UI.
Minecraft Maps
Working at Yeggs LLC - Group
Below are a few of my favourite commercial projects created for the Minecraft Marketplace, of which I planned, programmed and made trailers for.